

Long before I started photography I spend countless hours in Nature to play and create.
It was my mum who first introduced me to this magic.
When I started with the Gaia Project  and landart became the main focus of my work I also created other installations beside my balanced sculptures.
This album is dedicated to show a selection of my creations in Nature…

To sculpture the Earth with water and sand is great and opens a vast variety of possibilities.
I found great inspiration in creating “Sand Globes” and use them in different constellations from storytelling till pattern-paintings.
The important part for me is to combine it with a attractive location where Mother Nature it self already created some art in advance.

I started to collect photographs of hearts about one decade a go.
Our world is full of patterns and shapes if you start focusing on a particular one you will quickly see it all over – same goes for other things such as numbers for example. I chose the heart as my motive since its a symbol of good energy.
Soon after I also started to make small landart heart installations I share here with you, for the complete heart collection visit the album on Globetrotter Photography (under construction)

Even if its arguable how much of landart this is I feel it belongs in this album.
The materials I am working with are still all collected outdoors of one of my many field trips.
In my studio I have time to create under predictable conditions a different form of “landart” which underlines the creation it self. Especially lightening options are great and other studio effects which allow for a whole new concept…