I have received much love and help
to keep this project running and make it possible
to create this website as well as all other impressions I share with you.
I feel blessed to have such friends and a lovely audience. I would like to proclaim
my gratitude towards all of you who support my work in what ever way…
If you are here to support my work as well there are many possibilities to do so.
First of all you do it already by enjoying my art and therefore make my work worthy!
To share with others what you look at here is making it even more precious.
If you would like to contribute with a financial donation that is
very helpful and much appreciated.
You can do so by using
this PayPal link.
is another
way which I even
prefer! Go have a look
at my shop where you can find
countless images, gift cards, calendars
books and if you desire I am happy to print a canvas
for you or your loved ones. If you prefer to have personal contact I am
happy to reply on a mail order as well. Of course I am also delighted to receive a mail with out purchase purpose, in both cases just use the contact form bellow.
I’ll add you a link where you reach my online shop…
The shop is located on my other web presence
There are plenty of travel & nature
photographs to discover on
that side, you are most
welcome to have
a peek.
Special Thanks
go to Kiki Chen, Calvin Allers
Erika & Albert Fiechter, Alain Schwab
Krishna Ram, Cillín Perera, Bowen Chou
Jackal Mei, David Laffer, Michael Grab
Monika Bigler, Gerry Galligan
The Boom Family